Town Hall Meeting with Kootenai County Legislators
The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee invites you to a Town Hall Meeting with all of Kootenai County's legislators. This meeting will give you the opportunity to meet the local legislators, learn about their work on your behalf, and ask questions or make comments about your expectations from your state Representatives and Senators during the 2017 legislative session.
This meeting will be held in the Coeur d'Alene Public Library's Community Room on Saturday, January 28 at 10:30a.
Where: CdA Public Library, Community Room
When: January 28, 2017; 10:30a - 1:00p
Additional Information:
Doors open at 10:00a. Due to limited parking in the upper parking lot from heavy snow accumulation, please park in the parking lot to the south next to City Hall so other library patrons will still have places to park.